Foundation Stage
The Foundation Stage consists of Foundation Stage 1 (Nursery) and Foundation Stage 2 (Reception).
We believe the foundation stage makes a crucial contribution to a child’s early development and learning.
Practitioners aim to ensure all children get the right start. We understand all children are unique and develop and learn in different ways. We support children to be resilient, capable, confident and inquisitive as they play and explore, become active learners and develop creative and critical thinking.
We provide a rich variety of teaching and learning experiences that are appropriate to the needs of the child.
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is divided into 3 prime and 4 specific areas.
The 7 areas of learning and development are interconnected and equally important to support a rounded, holistic approach to child development. We aim to deliver all the areas through planned, purposeful play, with a balance of adult led and child initiated activities.
Prime Areas:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Maths
- Literacy
- Understanding of the world
- Expressive Art and design
Mrs E NewloveExecutive Lead for EYFS
Mrs E Newlove
Reception Baseline Assessment
Reception Baseline Assessment Information for Parents
The reception baseline assessment (RBA) is a short, task-based assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school. It is statutory for all schools from September 2021.
We will complete this assessment within the first 6 weeks of term. The assessment will form the start of a new measure of how schools are helping their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.
Your child does not need to prepare. There is no pass mark or score and your child should not realise they’re doing an assessment.
Once the RBA is fully established, the intention is to make the key stage 1 national curriculum tests and teacher assessments that children currently take at the end of year 2 non-statutory.
Meet the FS1 Teachers
FS1 Teachers (ID 1130)
Mrs V GrahamNursery Manager, FS1 Teacher & Early Years SENCo
Mrs V Graham
Mrs E AustinFS1 Teacher
Mrs E Austin
Meet the FS1 Key Workers
FS1 Key Workers (ID 1272)
Mrs C DownesKey Worker
Mrs C Downes
Mrs J NicholsonKey Worker
Mrs J Nicholson
This is A for Ava, I can write my name in the sand.
This is Jigsaw Jeanie, we love Jigsaw.
I love to build at nursery.
Meet the FS2 Teachers
Mrs S Elsom
Mrs S Elsom
Mrs K Hare
Mrs K Hare
Miss C Beech
Miss C Beech
Our FS2 has 90 places with attractive classrooms a comfortable snack area, creative lab and cosy reading areas. Our outside space well designed into different learning and playing areas and we have a popular go-kart track.
Miller & Priya
We enjoy making animals in the creative area.
I pretend to be the teacher and I read the story to the children.
I enjoy making helicopters and cars.
I practise my phonics during big choosing time.
At Biggin Hill Primary school, we teach themes through play and exploration supported by outstanding adult-interaction. We believe effective learning builds on and extends what the children know and can do. Our topic planning shows how the principles of the EYFS will be put into practice and is always informed by observations and assessments we have made of the children, considering their current interests, development and learning. All practitioners who work in the Foundation Stage at Biggin Hill are involved in this process. Key texts for each theme prioritise developing children's language and extending their vocabulary. SMSC and British values weave throughout each topic area.
Medium Term Plans and Topic Overview Sheets
Nursery Medium Term Plans
Autumn 1- All about me Autumn 2- Celebrations
Spring 1- Into the woods Spring 2- Down on the farm
Summer 1- Wild Animals Summer 2- By the sea
Nursery Topic Overview Sheets
Autumn 1- All about me Autumn 2- Celebrations
Spring 1- In the woodsSpring 2- Down on the farm Summer 1- Wild AnimalsSummer 2- By the sea
Reception Medium Term Plans
Autumn 1- Magical Me Autumn 2- Celebrations
Spring 1- The world all around us
Spring 2- Adventures above and below the clouds
Reception Topic Overview Sheets
Autumn 1- Magical me Autumn 2- Celebrations
Spring 1- The world all around us
Spring 2- Adventures above and below the clouds Summer 1- Growing
Early Years Foundation Stage Long Term Plan
Parents as Partners
We welcome parents into our setting and have an open-door policy. We have weekly play and stay sessions in FS1 and parent mornings in FS2. We also have a variety of workshops, events, assemblies and performances throughout the year where we love to show off our achievements and our learning.
Key Foundation Stage Information
Other EFYS Policies and risk assessments are available on request.