Sports Premium
Primary Schools PE and Sports Funding
The government is providing additional funding to improve the provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding is ring-fenced and cannot be used for anything other than PE and sport.
Total Allocation for 2023-2024 - £21,110
The funding will:
- Enhance the skills and confidence of staff.
- Improve the quality of teaching and learning in PE.
- Enhance participation in, and enjoyment of, PE and Sport within and outside the school day.
- Secure external accreditation for quality of provision in PE.
- Develop a sustainable model for the future.
To achieve this the funding will be used for the following initiatives:
- Access to quality CPD via Humber Active Sports. Staff are able to attend a variety of targeted CPD events throughout the year.
- Following an audit of resources we will purchase new equipment should it be deemed necessary.
Out of School activities
- Provide a range of extra-curricular activities for all age-ranges within the school.
- Increase the opportunities to participate in competitive sports with other schools. (During the current academic year there has already been an increase in competitive sports organised between partnership schools such as basketball and football tournaments.)
- Fund transport and other costs associated with tournaments and events in other schools.
What impact has the funding made so far?
Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) have received tailored coaching and mentoring in delivering PE sessions. This has led to an increase in confidence and skill of the class teacher and TA in developing high quality PE sessions with clear focus on inclusion and progression.
The profile of PE has increased; meaning it has a higher status within school than it has had previously. Pupils are speaking more positively and the level of participation has improved. Children are keen to share sporting successes with their peers and will bring in medals, certificates and trophies to share in whole school celebrations.
The school is now able to offer a more varied after school provision which aim to help with a healthier lifestyle and increase sporting participation. Clubs including football, baseball, cricket, boxing and dancing have/are taking place and attendance has increased.
Children have access to more time allocated to healthy lifestyles activities as a result of a dedicated lunch time supervisor delivering sports sessions
More pupils are participating in sporting events and children have had the honour of and taken pride in representing the school
The school has committed to a programme of after school competitive fixtures against other primary schools in a range of age groups and activities.
For a breakdown of how the sports funding is being spent please download the document below: