Lunch Menus
Free school meal information
In January 2020 Hull City Council increased the cost of school meals for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 to £1.50 per meal. Children who receive free school meals as part of their family benefit entitlement should continue to claim as normal.
As you may be aware from September 2014 children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will all be entitled to a school meal for free. Although this is a positive initiative the funding that the school receives depends upon how many children are registered for free school meals. Therefore it is vitally important that you register for free school meals, even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2
If your child is not registered for free school meals, especially if they are starting school in September, please click here to apply online or alternatively contact the school office.
Lunch Menu - Week 1
Lunch Menu - Week 2
You can download and print our lunch menu be clicking the box below