Family Support at Biggin Hill
Miss S CarmichaelLearning Links Worker
Miss S Carmichael
At Biggin Hill we believe firmly in the partnership between home and school. We believe your child’s education is a shared responsibility and we will involve you as much as possible by keeping you informed of your child’s progress, inviting you into the school for stay and play sessions, plays, sports days and many other events. Check your child’s bag and the My Child at School app regularly for the school newsletter and letters inviting you to events.
Play and stay sessions are held for an hour every Wednesday and are excellent opportunities for you to come along and see how your child learns and how they are settling into the nursery.
The school is fortunate to have its own Family Centre which is situated in the modular building near the schools Wickenby Garth entrance. This is where our Learning Links Worker Sharon Carmichael is based. Coffee mornings, craft and chat and adult educational courses are just a few activities she has to offer. Sharon organises family events within the school and in partnership with other organisations and links workers, such as beach days and family learning days both in school time and during the holidays.
There are also times when families feel they may need additional support from the school, and we will always do whatever we can to help. As the learning links worker Sharon is also able to provide or help organise additional support when needed, this can be anything including food parcels, help completing forms, help with school uniforms and support in times of crisis. If Sharon cannot help you she will do her best to find an organisation that can.
If you feel that you need any support or need any further information from Sharon you can contact her on 01482 825377 or