Here are some fun reading and writing games for you to use online at home.
They include a range of games which will help with your reading, comprehension, writing spelling grammar and punctuation. Have a go and recommend your favourite games to your friends.
Education.comPBS KidsJumpstart - reading
Fun English Games - readingTop Marks - reading
Room Recess - readingWorld of David Walliams
Here is also some top tips to support reading at home -
LetterjoinTop Marks - punctuationPrimary GamesThe School Run - grammar gamesFun English Games - writingThe School Run - spelling gamesTop Marks - writingSpellzoneTop Marks - spelling and grammar
Other useful links
ICT Games BBC Bitesize - KS1 BBC Bitesize - KS2 Vocabulary Ninja
Oak National Academy - there are lots of lessons for every age ability on the Oak National Academy website, including lessons for English, English Grammar and English Reading for Pleasure.